Tony and son.Our 4th Ward councilman. thanks for the support!

It's getting warmer outside, and many kids will be riding their bikes... we had some stolen in the past, so warn everyone you know to lock up their bikes!!!!
( The site about lets you look up anyone from the court system )
The 2010 community policing has started. We received our reports from Captain Herrick at the Neighborhood Leadership Meeting this month, and they are very encouraging. Our crime(incident) reports are down 46% from last year. That is amazing and just shows what we can do when we work together to make Walnut Hills a safe place to live.We are pooling hours with Franklin Village Association, Ballinger Estates, and Southeast Improvement which gives us more coverage. Also the street crimes unit is being used and we don"t have to pay for them as they are funded through a grant.  That gives us more hours to work with.